Comparing Chega and Vox

By Miguel Nunes Silva In Brussels Report *** Last summer, Spaniards went to the polls in a national election that

How the Right Splits on the Israel and Ukraine Topics

By Miguel Nunes Silva In delibeRatio *** The 21st century is turning out to be far more bizarre than anyone

Reportagem – Ação popular: respeito pela vida e pela Família

No dia internacional da Família, realizou-se uma ação popular em Lisboa, na qual vários cidadãos entregaram cartas a representantes dos

Portuguese Nationalist Party Challenges Facebook’s 10-Year Ban

Chega, Portugal’s so called far-right party is facing a 10-year restriction on its Facebook account, Chega’s significant rise in parliamentary

Que Aprendeu a Esquerda Com a sua Derrota a 10 de Março?

Por Miguel Nunes Silva No Folha Nacional *** Vamos enumerar as humilhações do Partido Socialista nos últimos meses: Depois de

Europe turning right: Chega quadruples its seats in Portugal

In Portugal’s election last Sunday, the anti-establishment rightwing Chega party gained a massive victory due to its migration-critical stance. Miguel

Boy King, Deep State

By Miguel Nunes Silva In The European Conservative *** “Let life be short, else shame will be too long” Shakespeare, Henry V   Fate has

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Iran’s Karma

By Miguel Nunes Silva In Brussels Report *** It may seem like a distant memory now but half a century ago, Tel Aviv and Tehran

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Comparing Chega and Vox

By Miguel Nunes Silva In Brussels Report *** Last summer, Spaniards went to the polls in a national election that European conservatives regarded with great

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By Miguel Nunes Silva In The European Conservative *** One of the central features of the diplomatic career is the practice of temporary assignments. In

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A Refundação do CDS?

Por Miguel Nunes Silva No Jornal Inconveniente *** No passado dia 9 de Fevereiro, Nuno Melo discursou no Instituto Democracia e Liberdade/IDL – Instituto Amaro

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