As associações subversivas, racistas e violentas do semanário Expresso

Por Miguel Nunes Silva No Folha Nacional *** No passado mês de Agosto, o pasquim conhecido por Expresso, publicou um artigo difamatório e enviesado sobre a visita a Portugal de um membro da organização húngara Centro para os Direitos Fundamentais (CFR). Estando próxima do partido Fidesz do primeiro-ministro Orbán, esta organização dinamiza o pensamento […]
António Costa, European Council President Despite Legal Challenges

Portugal’s António Costa has been appointed as the next president of the European Council by the heads of state and government of the European Union on June 27. Previously the Prime Minister of Portugal from 2015 to 2023, Costa resigned in November 2023 amid legal investigations. Rebecca interviews Miguel Nunes Silva, director of Trezeno institute […]
Vivemos pior que os Nossos Pais?

Por Vasco Semedo No Semanário O Diabo ***
Venezuela’s Disputed Election: Calls for Legal Solutions Intensify

Since Venezuela’s disputed presidential election nine days ago, officials from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have been in constant contact with representatives of both Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and opposition candidate Edmundo González, seeking a solution to the country’s political crisis. Rebecca interviews Miguel Nunes Silva, director of Trezeno institute and local councilmen.
Proposta de Meloni para Desincentivar o Aborto, Fracassará

Por Miguel Nunes Silva No Folha Nacional *** Giorgia Meloni tem sido uma desilusão para os ideais do conservadorismo e para o interesse nacional italiano desde que chegou ao poder. Contradizendo a sua própria retórica, Meloni optou desde cedo por abandonar toda a ênfase legislativa da sua plataforma anti-imigração e desde que se tornou PM, […]
What to Expect from António Costa

By Miguel Nunes Silva In The European Conservative *** The Brussels bubble has been expressing its great comfort with the choice of António Costa for the presidency of the European Council. They are correct: Costa could not be a better choice of personality to advance the deep (supranational) state agenda. Costa is a consummate politician […]
The end of the road for Macron?

By Miguel Nunes Silva In Brussels Report *** When Emmanuel Macron was first elected President of France in 2017, the Hexagon was already in deep trouble: 100% GDP to public debt ratio, enormous social strife as a result of decades of mass immigration from the developing world, and a sclerotic public administration apparatus refusing deep […]
O Instinto de Sobrevivência do PCP

Por Miguel Nunes Silva No Folha Nacional *** Restará ao PCP algum instinto de sobrevivência? É uma pergunta fundamental a colocar em Portugal, aonde no passado recente um dos partidos fundadores do regime foi extinto. Ainda que o PSD se esforce por manter um CDS em estado vegetativo, ligado às máquinas, a miséria paliativa do […]
Comparing Chega and Vox

By Miguel Nunes Silva In Brussels Report *** Last summer, Spaniards went to the polls in a national election that European conservatives regarded with great expectations. Ruling socialist PSOE, after several years of radical policies, was about to be punished by a Spanish Right reinvigorated by the firebrand conservative VOX party. VOX was poised to […]
How the Right Splits on the Israel and Ukraine Topics

By Miguel Nunes Silva In delibeRatio *** The 21st century is turning out to be far more bizarre than anyone had anticipated. The geopolitical realm certainly warrants that characterisation and on the currently more divisive conflicts, the rising right-wing camp is divided in more ways than one. For those faithful spectators of mainstream media, posturing […]